कलियुग में कैसे खोजें संत?

10773 views | 11 Aug 2023

In the ancient scriptures a detailed explanation is given with respect to the yuga cycles thus dividing them in four epochs namely Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapar Yuga, and Kali Yuga. It is a common known fact that we are presently living in the kaliyug which is known as the 'age of darkness' that is an age where sufferings and pain are at their peak. At such dismayed times where blood is soaked with impurities and the minds with corruption, where no one is considered as own and selfish motives are the priority, where the race to be first is the only thing taught, is it even possible to find a Brahmannishth Guru who is established in nothing but the Truth and can be an inspiration to many? Although this may be a question common to many, but has been asked by a seeker to Gurudev Anandmurti Gurumaa in one of the scheduled sunday satsang, and the Master leaves no stone upturned to unravel the truth behind this.

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