ब्रह्माकार वृत्ति का स्वाद
29089 views | 31 Jul 2023
Brahman, the all-pervasive existence, is not and can never be comprehended by the mind and intellect. It is incomprehensible and beyond the mind and intellect and yet all scriptures are marvelous at doing that which seems to be impossible. It is true that the highest wisdom is beyond the intellect but it is here that ignorance lies. And ignorance can be eradicated only by knowledge. But how is it possible?; You may wonder. It is through the Brahmanakar vritti that one may establish in the Self. Watch this excerpt taken from the darshan conducted at Rishi Chaitanaya Ashram while answering the query of a seeker. Revered Gurudev Anandmurti Gurumaa not only explains what Brahmanakar vritti is but also elaborates the bliss one gets through it. Watch now!
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