The Shiva Purāna narrates how Pārvatī wins Shiva’s love – not by her beauty or wealth, but by her one-pointed devotion and intense yogic practice. It is not a story of an ordinary wedding but about a divine union with symbolic significance. 

The lotus flower has become a symbol of purity – it has its roots in the muddy waters but emerges to the surface in full bloom. Purity has been given utmost significance in spiritual traditions, but it does not come on its own; a seeker has to nurture it carefully. The Bhagavad Gītā tells us the attributes to remember for cultivating this beauty and innocence.

Ānandoham – I am ever-blissful. This is the ultimate truth, as declared by the scriptures, rishis, enlightened ones. Yet, how come your experience is, “I am the body, this body is me”? This identification, called adhyāsa, is a mere illusion and the root cause of all misery and confusion. Let us explore this fundamental problem and how to break free from it.

Today, the word meditation has become familiar to almost any common person, and various teachers offer a range of practices – sometimes for a costly reward. Yet, there are still many misconceptions about what meditation truly means. To embark on this wondrous journey of inner evolution, it is essential to understand the fundamentals: How do we define meditation, and why should we meditate?

Before embarking on the journey of conception, it is crucial for both partners to prepare their bodies and minds. As discussed in the previous article Ayurveda’s Pre-Conception Care – Purification and Nourishment for Healthy Offspring, the foundation of a healthy pregnancy is built upon the principles of Ayurvedic wisdom.  This preparation involves understanding one’s prakriti (innate constitution), following a balanced lifestyle, and undergoing detoxification therapies to...

In our life journey, we are bound to engage in a myriad of deeds right from the moment of birth. Every thought, word and endeavour creates a ripple in the fabric of this world, carrying a consequence that we must bear. In the Bhagavad Gītā, Sri Krishna sheds light on the nature of karma, its various forms, and the attitude the one seeking freedom from bondage should adopt. His teachings guide us in performing our duties wisely and...

If you carefully observe yourself and the people around you, you will notice that everyone has a unique nature, which is reflected in the thoughts and desires of the person and how he or she interacts with others. In the Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna teaches us about nature's three fundamental gunas or attributes and how they shape our mental makeup and deeds. By becoming aware of their functioning, we can make a positive change encompassing all aspects...

For a seeker of liberation, there is nothing more invaluable than the presence of a Self-realised Master in one’s life. Only by the grace of past virtuous karmas is one fortunate enough to meet and be associated with a Sadguru.

Have you ever felt the mystical stillness of nature at dawn, the serenity at twilight? These precious moments, known as sandhi kaal, are significant for a spiritual practitioner to experience greater depth in sadhana (practice).

A long walk on the beach, sunrise in the mountains, a book in the garden on a bright sunny day in winter, a visit to the spa, friendly laugh with your college buddy, starry night sky in Himachal! Already feeling better?

Procreation is a natural instinct for humans. We aspire to live long and healthy lives, and most people desire to propagate their genes through their progeny. Judicious planning is a well-charted path leading to success, and pregnancy is no exception. Ideally, it takes about six months for prospective parents to prepare themselves for conception. This preparation involves ensuring that their bodies are appropriately nourished and purified of all toxins.

I frequently hear people say, “I eat so little, yet I put on weight quickly.”