'मन का दुःख', मैं जानता हूँ|

25534 views | 02 Aug 2023

Until one has attained ultimate liberation from the bondage of the unreal, the mind undergoes oscillation between various extremes including that of happiness and sorrow; Certain days feeling joyful and elated while on others feeling as if a heavy burden has been dumped on the shoulders. How does one then free himself from this unpredictable behavioral patterns of the mind which acts as an obstacle on the spiritual journey. This video is an excerpt taken from the enlightening series on Drik Darshan Viveka conducted at Rishi Chaitanya Ashram where the compassionate Gurudev Anandmurti Gurumaa has elaborated on this aspect of the mind while also denying its very existence. The mind is but an illusion and the association with it is what causes one to feel pain and sorrow, but that association too is an illusion. Watch and get free from the in-numerous shackles of the mind by knowing the simple fact, that you are not the mind but its witness.

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