सत्वगुण, रजोगुण तमोगुण क्या हैं? | Vedanta For Kids
5825 views | 28 Jul 2023
Vedanta For Kids! In this video, revered Gurudev Anandmurti Gurumaa addresses a nine-year old seeker who has shown interest to know about the functionality of the apparent world and by what forces does the phenomenal appearance functions. Everything is nothing but a different form of the real Self that appears to be with 'opposing features' and is separate. And why does it look separate and divided? It is because of the operation of the three forces viz. sattvaguna, rajoguna and tamoguna. Satvaguna loosely termed as knowledge-based, rajoguna is activity based and tamoguna is the inert and thus within these three is encompassed the entire universe. Watch to clarify the basic concepts that may be lingering in your intellect too!
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