यह सारा जगत मैं कैसे?

5402 views | 24 Jul 2023

For all those on the path to attainment to real Self, come across certain junctures which may come across as obstacles but are stepping stones to higher Self from the wider perspective. One such stepping stone is while listening to scriptures, a seeker tries to grasp new ideologies and concepts while also dealing with the interactions of the world through the mind and intellect. At such times, a Brahman-nishth Guru helps the seeker overcome the obstacle with much ease by giving the seeker certain tricks and tips to deal with the current situation in his mind first. In this video too, revered Gurudev Anandmurti Gurumaa is helping one such seeker by answering her query, while explaining the vedantic terms vivarta and parinama, advising her for the time being, to focus on the real Self rather than understanding the non-real.

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