Seek Truth Not Miracles | English Discourse
3369 views | 10 Aug 2023
Man's affinity towards 'miracles' isn't something new. Anything falling off the 'normal' category is perceived with so much awe and admiration. Amazed by these isolated acts, what often gets overlooked is our very own being- The biggest miracle of all! A whole baby growing out of the communion of a tiny sperm and ovum- Isn't that phenomenal happening? The same holds true if we look at the working of Mother Nature outside. In this video, revered Gurudev Anandmurti Gurumaa emphasizes shifting the focus and search for the Ultimate Truth- The Absolute Existence, on the foundation of which the entire game of life and death is being played out. Seek the reality that holds the power to set you free! #anandmurtigurumaaenglish #AnandmurtiGurumaa #Truth #Miracles
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