How To Inculcate Good Samskaras In Our Children?

1498 views | 02 Jul 2009

Q: I have 5 year boy and you say that every child has his own journey. They come through us but they are not ours that is what you say. Can those Samskaras which I am trying to give him now be fruitful where he already has his own journey started in his earlier life? Can these Samskaras which I want to give him overcome his past one? Or should I accept that he would be the one like as his past karmas would make him and I cannot contribute in his personality now in this life? A: Chandni, it is not so, as a mother you have every right to pray for your child and inculcate great good Samskaras in your child and this age is definitely very right age where the parents can collectively help there child to imbibe good moral, ethical, religious, spiritual values. Regarding about the journey which the child is already in, well that you are always going to be there. Adopting the age of 12, there is every possibility that the parents can have a deep affect on the childs mind. So keep working, create a good environment at your home. Be honest, sincere, loving, prayerful, meditative person and your child will pick up all these good things which you would be practicing. So dont just preach; live those preachings. A: Chandni, it is not so, as a mother you have every right to pray for your child and inculcate great good Samskaras in your child and this age is definitely very right age where the parents can collectively help there child to imbibe good moral, ethical, religious, spiritual values. Regarding about the journey which the child is already in, well that you are always going to be there. Adopting the age of 12, there is every possibility that the parents can have a deep affect on the childs mind. So keep working, create a good environment at your home. Be honest, sincere, loving, prayerful, meditative person and your child will pick up all these good things which you would be practicing. So dont just preach; live those preachings.

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