If I'm Not The Mind, Why Do I Experience Emotions?

4396 views | 10 Jan 2025

In this enlightening discourse, Param Pujya Gurudev Anandmurti Gurumaa beautifully answers the profound question: "If I'm Not the Mind, Why Do I Experience Emotions?" Gurudev explains that while the Atman (the true self) does nothing, it is the Jeeva that motivates various aspects of our being to function. The mind is driven to think and feel emotions, the subconscious retains memories, the intellect makes decisions, and the ego develops the sense of 'I'. Gurudev further clarifies that the mind, intellect, subconscious, and ego are not separate entities but rather represent distinct functions of a unified experiencing instrument, collectively known as the 'Antaḥkaraṇa'. You can email your questions for Gurudev Anandmurti Gurumaa to [email protected]

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