Sri Guru Nanak Dev Prakash Parva Celebration : 19 November 2021

34721 views | 19 Nov 2021

Gurpurab Celebration began with mesmerising chanting of Satnam Sri Waheguru. Citing Sri Guru Nanak Dev's Bani the master explained the ephemeral nature of the world and the most important treasure that can be achieved in this life, that is realisation of the Self. Revered master narrated several beautiful anecdotes from Guru Sahib's life depicting His glory as a wonderful mystic, Brahma gyani, and a Master. Partake the meaning of Guru Nanak Dev Ji's bani... purest gyana coated with the sweetness of bhakti! The occasion was also marked with the release of the Japji Sahib exposition by the master in e-book format & a new track venerating Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji 'Dhan Guru Nanak'.

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