Mere Sadguru Dayi Bata
39007 views | 22 Aug 2011
Beautiful Guru bhakti geet of Sant Kabir Ji in Anandmurti Gurumaa's soulful voice. To make a worldly mind sit and do meditation is sometimes the most herculean talk. Mystics understand this very well that asking such a mind to sit and meditate would simply mean making a person go into either slumber, or discontinue thier efforts upon coming face to face with one's own whirlpool of thoughts. Yet the compassion and mercy of the mystic's sees no bounds and they still continue to give innovative meditation techniques -- made for the man of today. Once such means to dive within oneself is sankirtan -- singing in divinie love with the master. This is one unique technique whereby with no effort, the listener finds themselves teleported to a plane where the mind is calm...
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