
Daridrya Dahan Stotram
08:05About the Album
Daridrya Dahan Stotram composed by Maharishi Vashishtha, is all about paying salutations to the omnipotent Lord Shiva- the one who is the destroyer of grief emanating out of the sense of inadequacy. Speaking of his infinite glories, the enchanting Stotram chants vocalized by revered Master Anandmurti Gurumaa through an equally efficacious recitation are sure to permeate one's heart and fill it with immense strength, devotion, and love for the Lord. The powerful hymns venerate the mighty Shiva, who is Lord of the universe and helps one cross the ocean of troubles. He is the one who carries the crescent as an ornament and is as pristine as the camphor. The Stotram chants glorify Shiva, the beloved of Devi Parvati, and who wears the king of serpents as bangles. He is the one who slayed the king of elephants and carries the Ganges in his dreadlocks. The fearsome Shiva is revered and worshipped by his devotees. He's the one who destroys the dread of diseases in human life. He's himself the light of wisdom personified. The chants glorify Lord of the Lords- Shiva, who wears an animal hide and applies the ash of burnt corpses. Carrying a third eye on his forehead, Shiva wears precious gem ear studs and clinking anklets with dreadlocks. He's the one who wears clothes that are made of gold and is the giver of blessings; Shiva is the storehouse of bliss and darkness of unknowing personified. Lord Shiva, who is Devi Gauri's grace, is the greatest of all. He's akin to a lion and a wish-granting tree to those who seek his refuge. He's everything and the king of all the realms. Salutations to the all-powerful Shiva- the destroyer of the sorrows, who is dear to the Sun Lord. He's the one who helps us crossover the indomitable ocean of birth and is the slayer of death God. Lord Brahma venerates him; he's the most revered of all. Lord Shiva is dear to Rama to whom he granted boons. He's the one who is the most sacred among the sacred and reverenced by the Gods. Revel in the glories of Lord Shiva, who is the mightiest of all. Seep in the profound meanings while listening to and singing along with these powerful Stotram chants, and let your heart be filled with overpowering devotion and outpouring love towards the ruler of the three realms.