
09:13Yog Nidra for Youth
48:18About the Album
Yog Nidra for Youth is a wonderful tool to enhance awareness and free oneself from mounting stress levels. Derived from Tantra, the technique of Yog Nidra is the key to unlock the inner reservoir of immense possibilities as it has the capability to restructure and transform the whole personality from within. During its practice one is required to make affirmations which are a potent medium to give a positive direction to life. When practiced regularly, this technique enhances the capacity of learning, develops confidence, strengthens will-power, lowers stress, and improves focus & attention. It makes the practitioner more receptive by removing the blockages and facilitating learning. In the mesmerising voice of mystic master Anandmurti Gurumaa, this album presents one of the most powerful methods of shaping the personality.
A word for Students:
Students often complain of frustration, lack of good sleep, lack of concentration, headaches, lethargy and lack of interest in studies. These are outcomes of the intense mental stress that a student undergoes in today's competitive times. The practice of Yog Nidra can help students unwind from stress and be proactive, aware and relaxed. It is an elixir for stress-free living.