About the book
One of the most celebrated scriptures in the world, the Bhagavad Gita continues to intrigue, inspire and illumine the human mind. Comprising 700 verses in 18 chapters, sage Vyasa’s stupendous piece of work is a powerhouse of Upanishadic wisdom. Using a backdrop of Arjuna’s moral dilemma and despair, perennial existential conflict is resolved by unravelling the nature of the Self, nature of God, and the various ways of realizing the ultimate truth. In this concise yet pithy commentary, enlightened master Anandmurti Gurumaa puts forth the essence of the verses in a contemporary style relatable in modern times. All scientific advances in the outer world notwithstanding, the human quest for meaning and purpose of life entail that the Gita continues to be as relevant, even in the 21st century. The master speaks from first-hand experience of the truth unfolded in the Gita. The commentary thus pulsates with profound clarity removing all shreds of ambiguity and confusion making it a wonderful reference book for not only the metaphysical but also everyday material life.