Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - A Commentary by Anandmurti Gurumaa
Language: English

About the book
A gospel to every yoga student, Patanjali yoga sutras are a collection of pithy aphorisms encapsulating profound teachings on the path to samadhi. Sage Patanjali pioneered the systematic compilation of precepts from our scriptures, and his teachings are the foundation for the practices on the path of Raja yoga. A total of one hundred and ninety-five sutras are presented in four sections. Interestingly, the sutras start with the culminating point of the yoga journey, samadhi. And then go on to light up the path by detailing the methodology the aspirant needs to practice to reach the destination. It is followed by a cataloguing of the various glories attained by the yogi after perfecting the yoga practices, and the sutras conclude with an account of the supreme state of absoluteness. Sutra means stating something very deep and codified using very few cryptic words. Thus, it is paramount to understand these sutras from an awakened being who has fathomed their meaning through direct experience. Else, the sutras will be as clear as mud! The distinguishing feature of this book, a compendium of live discourses on the yoga sutras of Patanjali, is the credentials of the author. Anandmurti Gurumaa is a living, contemporary yogi who has awakened to the higher truth, which lends veracity to her profound, empirical exposition. In a penetrating yet lucid language, the master unravels the layered cabbalistic subtext of the Delphic sutras. A must-read for every yoga aspirant.