
Jai Jai Ram Siya Ram
09:19About the Album
It's time to behold, embrace, and lovingly celebrate the ever-blissful name of Bhagwan with 'Jai Jai Ram Siya Ram',- A musical masterpiece that gracefully unfolds the profound Vedantic verses of Shri Ramcharitmanas in the gripping voice of Param Pujya Gurudev Anandmurti Gurumaa. A befitting sequel to the magnum opus “Jai Siya Ram”- the majestic track opens through singing glories of the omniscient, all-pervasive existence that conjures and manifests with great love. The musical carries an ineffable tale of Divine Truth that cannot be narrated but only experienced through direct encounter— the Truth of Ultimate Oneness that perfected Yogis dwell in- day in and day out. The insightful verses further poetise the Supreme Presence that is only realised by the Divine will of Bhagwan Raghunath; An unprecedented, unparalleled grace that once overflows disbands the illusionary distinctions- dissolving away the trinity of knower, knowing, and known! 'Jai Jai Ram Siya Ram' stands as an eloquent testament to the timeless wisdom and spiritual profundity embedded deep in otherwise devotion-laden verses of Shri Ramcharitmanas. Listen to these beautiful couplets soaked in Vedantic Truth with great love, and contemplate upon. Let us descend deep into the ocean of resplendent harmonies of this magnificent presentation and let its transformative power take over.