
The lotus flower has become a symbol of purity – it has its roots in the muddy waters but emerges to the surface in full bloom. Purity has been given utmost significance in spiritual traditions, but it does not come on its own; a seeker has to nurture it carefully. The Bhagavad Gītā tells us the attributes to remember for cultivating this beauty and innocence.

Today, the word meditation has become familiar to almost any common person, and various teachers offer a range of practices – sometimes for a costly reward. Yet, there are still many misconceptions about what meditation truly means. To embark on this wondrous journey of inner evolution, it is essential to understand the fundamentals: How do we define meditation, and why should we meditate?

If you carefully observe yourself and the people around you, you will notice that everyone has a unique nature, which is reflected in the thoughts and desires of the person and how he or she interacts with others. In the Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna teaches us about nature's three fundamental gunas or attributes and how they shape our mental makeup and deeds. By becoming aware of their functioning, we can make a positive change encompassing all aspects...

Dreams seem real while we are dreaming. While dreaming, one is totally oblivious to the waking state world. When we wake up, the very dream that seemed so real whilst dreaming, becomes unreal. But if we never woke up? What will be a dream and what will be the reality then? If our sleep continues endlessly, then dreams would become our reality. When you are in the dream world, you have absolutely no memory of the waking world and...

Anxiety comes when there is uncertainty in our life because mind is afraid of the unknown. What is known to us does not make us fearful. It is the unknown territory of the future that makes us fearful. Nobody knows what the future holds for us, and that is the main reason why many people are interested in astrology, tarot and palm readers. They want to know about their future; what will happen to them and their family.

Everybody has fear in their life but some people are in denial and don’t accept it. It is like a stigma in our society to admit that you are feeling sad or worried. ‘You have a nice family, job and even a nice home, then why should you be sad? Are you mad?’ People will ask. But who says you can’t be sad? Our mind doesn’t require things and people to feel happy. Happiness comes from...

Mind is not just the conscious mind that you know. There are deeper layers which you are ordinarily unaware of. Whatever is happening on the superficial level of the mind, is called the conscious mind. Underneath the conscious mind, is the subconscious and unconscious mind - in Sanskrit it is called ‘chitta’. It is the storehouse of all memories and past impressions.

The relation between the moon and the mind has been documented by the sages of ancient times. If the moon has the power to cause low and high tides; then it can surely have a strong effect on everything else in the nature, as well as on our mind. One of the names of Lord Shiva is Chandramouleshwar, which means the one who is the Lord of the moon, the Lord of the mind, who fully comprehends the functioning...