The lotus flower has become a symbol of purity – it has its roots in the muddy waters but emerges to the surface in full bloom. Purity has been given utmost significance in spiritual traditions, but it does not come on its own; a seeker has to nurture it carefully. The Bhagavad Gītā tells us the attributes to remember for cultivating this beauty and innocence.

For a seeker of liberation, there is nothing more invaluable than the presence of a Self-realised Master in one’s life. Only by the grace of past virtuous karmas is one fortunate enough to meet and be associated with a Sadguru.

A famous Sanskrit aphorism registered in the great Puranas says. "Yat Pinde Tat Brahmande." It can be interpreted as "All that is outside you is within you."

The path of devotion says, don't leave anything; if your association drops on its own, then be it. Why? Because then you won't make any announcement of it. But, If you consider having 'abandoned' something, you'll make the world know.

ananya-cetāḥ satataṃ yo māṃ smarati nityaśaḥ| tasyāhaṃ sulabhaḥ pārtha nitya-yuktasya yoginaḥ||14||

With the grace of the master, realisation dawns that the ephemeral cannot ever know the eternal. Then one turns within, passionately seeking the Beloved, offering the lotus of the heart at the feet of the master, for only the Lord, the master, loves unconditionally. One prays whole-heartedly for this benediction to fill one’s being. Describing this state, a poet poignantly appeals, “Oh breath, flow gently, your movement disturbs my prayer...”