“bhavāraṇyapraviṣṭasya diṅmōhabhrāntachētasaḥ ।
yēna sandarśitaḥ panthāḥ tasmai śrīguravē namaḥ ॥“

Emotions and memories are strong forces, such that your mind is unable to cope with them. Now, being sentimental, being emotional is generally regarded as a positive attribute by society at large. But know that being emotional means handing over your remote control to others.

Abhinivesha refers to the strong desire to live and implies, fear of death. The deep desire to live, binds you to the physical body; thus, creating the emotion of fear. Abhinivesha is one of the afflictions of mind. And it is also the root of all our fears, that is why as long as we have abhinivesha in the mind, we will have all other fears as well. Some people are fearful of heights. Why? Because they know that...

Human mind is so capricious, ever changing and such a complex, enigmatic entity. What could be more startling that none other than your own mind gives you grief, suffering. But it is very difficult to accept that we make ourselves unhappy. Instead, we keep looking outside, seeking to blame someone else for our troubles. The truth is that problems exist in one’s own mind and not in the outer world. But people tend to blame their pain and...