Many people say they are bhaktas, devotees of Krishna. But if they do not understand or follow Krishna’s teachings, how can they be called devotees? It is like a lady saying she loves her husband but never listens to him! Love is not in empty words. You do not become a devotee by merely performing arati or singing His name. You truly become a bhakta when you have joined your heart to Krishna in love and devotion, and...

Today, the word meditation has become familiar to almost any common person, and various teachers offer a range of practices – sometimes for a costly reward. Yet, there are still many misconceptions about what meditation truly means. To embark on this wondrous journey of inner evolution, it is essential to understand the fundamentals: How do we define meditation, and why should we meditate?

A famous Sanskrit aphorism registered in the great Puranas says. "Yat Pinde Tat Brahmande." It can be interpreted as "All that is outside you is within you."

Today, a quantum physicist will agree on the statement that the whole gross world is manifested on the foundation of consciousness. A physicist will say that what we see as a building is just atoms moving at such high speed that it seems like it is still. If we go to the foundation of the building and inspect a tiny grain of sand with a microscope, there will be no sand, just atoms. The scientists are still debating whether...

There is no separation between God and us. It is just that we are still in a deep, dark sleep of ignorance. So, all that needs to be done is: just wake up!.