The Shiva Purāna narrates how Pārvatī wins Shiva’s love – not by her beauty or wealth, but by her one-pointed devotion and intense yogic practice. It is not a story of an ordinary wedding but about a divine union with symbolic significance. 

Have you ever felt the mystical stillness of nature at dawn, the serenity at twilight? These precious moments, known as sandhi kaal, are significant for a spiritual practitioner to experience greater depth in sadhana (practice).

These days, it’s almost become a fashion, a competition, even a pastime for people to sit and compare their doctors’ prescriptions or even their surgeries! Society has become so unhealthy that almost every other person is on painkillers, tranquilizers, sedatives, or some other form of medication. And more often than not, it’s because the mind is in tension and turmoil, anxiety, and depression.

If we take a closer look at both body and mind, we...

Obesity is a modern-day lifestyle disorder, referred to as 'Medorog' in Ayurveda. Unfortunately, diseases like Diabetes mellitus type 2, obesity, fatty liver, stroke, heart attack, and cancer are all self-induced in their real sense—which were a rare occurrence until 300 years ago. Even today, if you happen to visit a village, you will barely find an obese person— while 3 out of every 10 people in a city are found to be overweight. Post-1970s, sedentary lifestyle and the adoption of the...

Health indeed is one’s true wealth. It’s not only an indicator of the vigour and vitality required to lead one’s life but also an essential prerequisite to achieve harmony in multiple spheres of our existence. In short, the adoption of a ‘Healthy lifestyle’ remains indispensable to attain sound wellbeing. 

Yogis have explained that human body is an important vehicle, a tool for spiritual growth. They advised that if your body is not healthy for a prolonged period of time, then you would not even be able to meditate or do any sadhana – so first and foremost, keep your body healthy.

Q- In one of your recent talks I heard you say that meaning of yoga is not just limited to physical exercise but is much more divine. Can you please throw light on this aspect of yoga?

India is a land with a long tradition of great masters and great yogis. And there are countless stories depicting their amazing lives and teachings. One such story is about a yogi from Maharashtra (in central India) called Changdev Maharaj. He entered a state of samadhi and stayed in that state for almost three hundred years. When he came out of samadhi, his age was almost four hundred years. Emerging from the cave, he asked the locals what year...