Ananda Utsav
where life is a blissful celebration

Events may come and events may go, the Ananda Utsav passes, quickly in a flow. The Masters presence is the cherry on the cake, she imparts knowledge that we gleefully take. Ananda Utsav as the name suggests, is a three day retreat where we
want to nest. To experience bliss is the intention we map, only to know that is all we really have. Ananda is my nature Ananda is who I am, know this for sure and with the Master you can.

The perennial bliss
An occasion that emboldens within every seeker, a spirit of evolution. We go overboard cleaning and decorating our homes but forget to cleanse the mind, thus remain bereft of inner beatitude. We forget that within ourselves is
the pulsating ocean of bliss we seek.
Celebrating with the Master
Ananda Utsav, as it is rightly called is not just a retreat but a grand celebration with the master – a celebration of knowing, transcending and evolving. It encapsulates the practical ways to make body disease-free, keep mind
stress-free and illumine intellect with higher wisdom, with the variegating festive celebrations as the best excuse to learn while also brimming with joy and hands wide open. All this is imperative to prepare one's body, mind
and intellect for advanced practices on the path.
Reaching Out to those who Seek
It is a non-residential three-day retreat with the master, a unique retreat held outside the premises of Ashram. The master with Her infinite compassion has designed this non-residential, held outside the premises of the Ashram
reaching out to seekers in various cities, both in India and abroad. This retreat is directed towards those who yearn to learn but are unable to get away from their daily responsibilities. In this retreat, held from time
to time the master lovingly teaches aspirants the tools to make the mind stress-free, body disease-free and intellect ignorance-free. One needs to be persistent in practices to reach such exalted states, or if not regular at
least find special occasions to remind oneself of the Supreme being.
The Sole Purpose
The perennial source of Ananda does not lie outside, rather within in one’s own state of being, and hence these retreats are a reminder for one to realise his true self. Only then can he experience unfiltered and unhindered ultimate
Enjoy this three day dynamic celebration with the master!