दुर्गाष्टोत्तरशतनाम स्तोत्रम् | Shree Durga Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram
Shri Durga Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram, composed by Adi Shankaracharya Ji, encapsulates one hundred and eight names, revering and invoking the benevolence of Devi Durga. Each Shloka is imbued with the unparalleled magnificence and grandeur of the Goddess, synonymous with Shakti— the eternal cosmic energy.
Devi Durga is worshipped with great ardour using these 108 names depicting her diverse manifestations, supreme dominion and benign grace. The video features encaptivating chanting of these divine names endowed well with an equally intriguing background score in the enthralling voice of venerable master Anandmurti Gurumaa. Click Here to watch video.
Shree Durga Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram Lyrics in Sanskrit & English with Meanings
शतनाम प्रवक्ष्यामि शृणुष्व कमलानने।
यस्य प्रसादमात्रेण दुर्गा प्रीता भवेत् सती।।1।।
shatanãma pravakshyãmi shriňushva kamalãnane
yasya prasãdamãtreňa durgã preetã bhavet satee||1||
Lord Shiva says, O Parvati, O One with Lotus-like Face
I am divulging these 108 sacred names of
Sri Durga to You, by which the Devi can be pleased
ऊँ सती साध्वी भवप्रीता भवानी भवमोचनी।
आर्या दुर्गा जया चाद्या त्रिनेत्रा शूलधारिणी।।2।।
om satee sãdhvee bhavapreetã bhavãnee bhavamochanee
ãryã durgã jayã chãdyã trinetrã shooladhãriňee||2||
Om, O Daughter of Dakṣa, the cheerful One,
who is loved by the Universe, who is the abode
of the Universe, who is the absolver of the Universe
O Noble One, who destroys,
who is victorious, who is the origin of reality,
having three eyes, holding a spear
पिनाकधरिणी चित्रा चण्डघण्टा महातपाः।
मनो बुद्धिरहंकारा चित्तरूपा चिता चितिः।।3।।
pinãkadhãriňee chitrã chaňĎaghaňŤã mahãtapãh
mano buddhirahankãrã chittaroopã chitã chitih||3||
Who holds the trident of Lord Shiva, the luminous One,
possessing mighty bells, performing severe spiritual practices
Who is the mind, intellect, ego, embodiment of the
the subconscious mind, and all the layers of the mind
सर्वमन्त्रामयी सत्ता सत्यानन्दस्वरूपिणी।
अनन्ता भाविनी भाव्या भव्याभव्या सदागतिः।।4।।
sarvamantramayee sattã satyãnanda svaroopiňee
anantã bhãvinee bhãvyã bhavyãbhavyã sadãgatih||4||
One who possesses all the implements of mind,
who is, above all, who is Eternal Bliss
O Eternal One, who is Beautiful, who is Auspicious
who determines the future, the bestower of mokṣha
शाम्भवी देवमाता च चिन्ता रत्नप्रिया सदा।
सर्वविद्या दक्षकन्या दक्षयज्ञविनाशिनी।।5।।
shãmbhavee devamãtã cha chintã ratnapriyã sadã
sarvavidyã dakshakanyã dakshayajňa vinãshinee||5||
O Consort of Shambhu, Mother Goddess—
who is the thoughts of mind adorned as jewels
O Abode of eternal wisdom, Daughter of Dakṣa,
destroyer of Dakṣa's Yagna sacrifice
अपर्णानेकवर्णा च पाटला पाटलावती।
पट्टाम्बरपरीधाना कलमञ्जीररञ्जिनी।।6।।
aparňãnekavarňã cha pãŤalã pãŤalãvatee
paŤŤãmbara pareedhãnã kalamanjeera ranjinee||6||
The One Who performed unconditional spiritual practices, the One with
many forms and faces, red in colour, dressed in red
Who adorns an ensemble of leather,
who is wearing a tinkling anklet
अमेयविक्रमा क्रूरा सुन्दरी सुरसुन्दरी।
वनदुर्गा च मातङ्गी मतङ्गमुनिपूजिता।।7।।
ameyavikramã krurã sundaree surasundaree
vanadurgã cha mãtangee matangamuni poojitã||7||
O Devi, who is boundless, who is strong,
who is ruthless, who is the Beauty— a gorgeous Goddess
O fierce Devi, who represents sixty-four Arts,
who is revered by Sage Matanga
ब्राह्मी माहेश्वरी चैन्द्री कौमारी वैष्णवी तथा।
चामुण्डा चैव वाराही लक्ष्मीश्च पुरुषावृफतिः।।8।।
brãhmee mãheshvaree chaindree koumãree vaishaňavee tathã
chãmuňĎã chaiva vãrãhee lakshmeeshcha purushãkritih||8||
O Goddess of speech, O Great Goddess, O Beauty
of the Moon, who is ever youthful, who is invincible
Slayer of Chanda and Munda demons,
who takes on the form of Varahi
Goddess of Prosperity, who manifests in human form
विमलोत्कर्षिणी ज्ञाना व्रिफया नित्या च बुद्धिदा।
बहुला बहुलप्रेमा सर्ववाहनवाहना।।9।।
vimalotkarshiňee jňãnã kriyã nityã cha buddhidã
bahulã bahulapremã sarvavãhana vãhanã||9||
Who provides joy, who is the eternal knowledge
who is the action, the timeless One, the bestower of wisdom
O Devi, who carries various forms,
who is full of love, who is the rider of all vehicles
निशुम्भशुम्भहननी महिषासुरमर्दिनी।
मधुकैटभहन्त्री च चण्डमुण्डविनाशिनी।।10।।
nishumbha-shumbhahananee mahishãsuramardinee
madhukaiŤabhahantree cha chaňĎamuňĎavinãshinee||10||
Slayer of the demon brothers Shumbha-Nishumbha,
Slayer of the bull demon Mahishaasura
Slayer of the demons Madhu-Kaitabha,
destroyer of the ferocious asuras Chanda-Munda
र्वासुरविनाशा च सर्वदानवघातिनी।
सर्वशास्त्रमयी सत्या सर्वास्त्रधारिणी तथा।।11।।
sarvãsuravinãshã cha sarvadãnavaghãtinee
sarvashãstramayee satyã sarvãstradhãriňee tathã||11||
O Devi, destroyer of all demons,
who impairs all the demons
One who is skilled in all theories,
who is the truth itself and the possessor of all weapons
अनेकशस्त्रहस्ता च अनेकास्त्रस्य धारिणी।
कुमारी चैककन्या च कैशोरी युवती यतिः।।12।।
anekashastrahastã cha kãstrasya dhãriňee
kumãree chaikakanyã cha kaishoree yuvatee yatih||12||
The possessor of many weaponed hands
possessor of innumerable missile weapons
Who is all: a beautiful girl, a girl child,
an adolescent, a woman and an ascetic
अप्रौढा चैव प्रौढा च वृद्धमाता बलप्रदा।
महोदरी मुक्त केशी घोररूपा महाबला।13।।
aprouĎhã chaiva prouĎhã cha vriddhamãtã balapradã
mahodaree muktakeshee ghoraroopã mahãbalã||13||
The One who never gets old, One who is ancient,
who is the wise mother, who is the bestower of strength
One who holds the Universe in her womb,
One with long hair locks, with fierce attitude,
bearing tremendous strength
ग्निज्वाला रौद्रमुखी कालरात्रिस्तपस्विनी।
नारायणी भद्रकाली विष्णुमाया जलोदरी।।14।।
agnijvãlã roudramukhee kãlarãtristapasvinee
nãrãyaňee bhadrakãlee vishňumãyã jalodaree||14||
One who is like a fire,
One who has a fierce face like the destroyer Rudra,
O Goddess, who is black like the night
The fierce facet of Lord Narayana,
ferocious form of Kali, a spell of Lord Vishnu,
abode of the ethereal Universe
शिवदूती कराली च अनन्ता परमेश्वरी।
कात्यायनी च सावित्राी प्रत्यक्षा ब्रह्मवादिनी।।15।।
shivadootee karãlee cha anantã parameshvaree
kãtyãyanee cha sãvitree pratyakshã brahmavãdinee||15||
Who represents Lord Shiva, who is terrifying,
who is Infinite, O Supreme Goddess
Primordial form of Shakti, Savitri Devi,
One who is real, One who is Omnipresent
य इदं प्रपठेन्नित्यं दुर्गानामशताष्टकम्।
नासाध्यं विद्यते देवि त्रिषु लोकेषु पार्वति।।16।।
ya idam prapaŤhennityam durgãnãma shatãshŤakam
nãsãdhyam vidyate devi trishu lokeshu pãrvati||16||
Those who daily chant these
108 names of Durga Stotram
O Devi Parvati! They find nothing
insurmountable across the Three Worlds.
Word-by-word Meanings of Devi's Divine Names
Aadya: The primordial reality
Aarya: The Goddess
Abhavya: The fearless fierce Goddess
Aeindri: The One powered Lord Indra
Agnijwala: The one who is capable of spewing fire
Ahankara: The one who is full of pride
Ameyaa: The one who is beyond any measure
Anantaa: The one who is infinite and immeasurable
Aja: The one who has no birth
Anekashastrahasta: The possessor of many weaponed hands
AnekastraDhaarini: The one who holds numerous weapons
Anekavarna: The one who is the bearer of numerous complexions
Aparna: The one who even forgoes consuming leaves while fasting
Apraudha: The Ageless One
Bahula: The one who has diverse forms and manifestations
Bahulaprema: The one who is treasured by all
Balaprada: The giver of strength
Bhavini: The beautiful one
Bhavya: The one who stands for the future
Bhadrakaali: The gentle form of Goddess Kali
Bhavani: The mother of the Universe
Bhavamochani: The one who is the liberator of the Universe
Bhavaprita: The one who is treasured by the Universe
Bhavya: The one who has the grandness
Brahmi: The one who has the power of Lord Brahma
Brahmavadini: The omnipresent one
Buddhi: The embodiment of brilliance
Buddhida: The one who bestows eternal wisdom
Chamunda: The killer of the demons, Chanda & Munda
Chandi: The frightening form of Durga
Chandraghanta: The one who has mighty bells
Chinta: The one who takes care of strain
Chitta: The one who is the subconscious mind
Chiti: The one who has a mind that thinks
Chitra: The one with the quality of being panoramic
Chittarupa: The one who is in a state of thought
Dakshakanya: The one known to be the daughter of Daksha
Dakshayajñavinaashini: The one who interrupts the sacrifice of Daksha
Devamata: The one who is known as the Mother Goddess
Durga: The invincible one
Ekakanya: The one who is known to be the girl child
Ghorarupa: The one who holds a feisty outlook
Gyaana: The one who is the embodiment of eternal knowledge
Jalodari: The one who is the abode of the ethereal Universe
Jaya: The victorious one
Kaalaratri: The one who is pitch black as the night
Kaishori: The one who is an adolescent
Kalamanjiiraranjini: The one who wears a tinkling anklet
Karaali: The fierce one
Katyayani: To whom the sage Katyanan worships
Kaumaari: The adolescent one
Komaari: The one known to be a beautiful young girl
Kriya: The one who dwells in action
Krooraa: The one who is brutal on demons
Lakshmi: The Goddess of Wealth
Maheshwari: The one who possesses the force of Lord Mahesha
Maatangi: The Goddess of Matanga
MadhuKaitabhaHantri: The one who slayed the demon-duo Madhu-Kaitabha
Mahaabala: The one who has tremendous strength
Mahatapa: The one who undergoes severe austerities and practices
MahishasuraMardini: The destroyer of the bull-demon Mahishaasura
Mahodari: The one who has a huge belly that holds the Universe
Manah: The one who is the mind
Matangamunipujita: The one who the Sage Matanga worships
Muktakesha: The one who flaunts open tresses
Narayani: The one known to be the detrimental facet of Lord Narayana
NishumbhaShumbhaHanani: The killer of the demon duo- brothers Shumbha and Nishumbha
Nitya: The one known as The Eternal
Paatala: The one with the colour red
Paatalavati: The one who is clothed in red
Parameshvari: The one known as the Ultimate Goddess
Pattaambaraparidhaana: The one who wears an ensemble crafted out of leather
Pinaakadharini: The one who holds the trident of Shiva
Pratyaksha: The eternal one
Praudha: The one who is ancient
Purushaakriti: The one who takes the shape of a man
Ratnapriya: The one who is adorned and loves jewels
Raudramukhi: The one who has a frightening face like the destroyer Rudra
Saadhvi: The one who has renounced all and is on the path of spirituality
Sadagati: The one who is always in motion, bestowing Moksha- the ultimate liberation
Sarvaastradhaarini: The one who possesses all the projectile weaponry
Sarvadaanavaghaatini: The one who possesses the power to kill all the demons
Sarvamantramayi: The one who possesses all the instruments of thought
Sarvashaastramayi: The one who is skilful in all arts
Sarvasuravinasha: The one who is the destroyer of all demons
Sarvavahanavahana: The one who rides all vehicles
Sarvavidya: The knowledgeable one
Sati: The one who got burned alive
Satta: The one who pervades all
Satya: The one who the Truth itself
Satyanandasvarupini: The one who has the form of eternal bliss
Savitri: The one who is the daughter of the Sun God Savitri
Shaambhavi: The companion of Shambhu
Shivadooti: The one who is the ambassador of Lord Shiva
Shooldharini: The one who holds a Spear
Sundari: The gorgeous one
Sursundari: The most stunning one
Tapasvini: The one who is engaged in repentance
Trinetra: The one who has three-eyes
Vaarahi: The one who rides on Varaha
Vaishnavi: The invincible one
Vandurga: The one known as the Goddess of Forests
Vikrama: The one who is violent
Vimalauttkarshini: The one who permeates joy
Vishnumaya: The one who is the charm of Lord Vishnu
Vriddhamaata: The one known as the old mother
Yati: The one who forsakes the Samsara | the one who is an ascetic
Yuvati: The one who is a youthful woman