A famous Sanskrit aphorism registered in the great Puranas says. "Yat Pinde Tat Brahmande." It can be interpreted as "All that is outside you is within you."

Even though some fear mechanism comes inbuilt through mother nature to help us remain cautious— a reflexive instinct necessary for survival, some people may have an unhealthy fear of dying or losing someone close. 

A big misconception doing the rounds is anger can be 'controlled'. However, that's far from the truth. Anger is like a fireball; it is bound to burn once out.

The path of devotion says, don't leave anything; if your association drops on its own, then be it. Why? Because then you won't make any announcement of it. But, If you consider having 'abandoned' something, you'll make the world know.

Believing is not substantiated by evidence; whereas, knowing IS. It doesn't take any intelligence, wisdom, seeking, or even rationale for believing. Believers can believe anything - Anandmurti Gurumaa.

From autumn through harsh winter, the land goes barren, leaves fall, and the grass goes lifeless. Wearing the veil of darkness, everything plunges into a deep slumber. Such is the view outside, but what about the ominous gloom that dwells within us?

In a typical world, while going about the daily chores, one seldom feels the urge to delve deeper, to comprehend the true purpose of human life. However, a revolutionary change dawns when one's intellect gets refined and becomes razor-sharp by the virtue of Guru's grace and constant contemplation of what is true and what is not!

Obesity is a modern-day lifestyle disorder, referred to as 'Medorog' in Ayurveda. Unfortunately, diseases like Diabetes mellitus type 2, obesity, fatty liver, stroke, heart attack, and cancer are all self-induced in their real sense—which were a rare occurrence until 300 years ago. Even today, if you happen to visit a village, you will barely find an obese person— while 3 out of every 10 people in a city are found to be overweight. Post-1970s, sedentary lifestyle and the adoption of the...

White sugar is considered to be an essential ingredient in every kitchen. According to Ayurveda, every meal we eat should have six kinds of rasa – sweet, salty, sour, bitter, spicy, and astringent. 

aho bata mahat pāpaṁ kartuṁ vyavasitā vayam |
yad rājya-sukha-lobhena hantuṁ sva-janam udyatāḥ ||

Health indeed is one’s true wealth. It’s not only an indicator of the vigour and vitality required to lead one’s life but also an essential prerequisite to achieve harmony in multiple spheres of our existence. In short, the adoption of a ‘Healthy lifestyle’ remains indispensable to attain sound wellbeing.