Darshan Diyan Maujaan 


Language: Punjabi | CD

Darshan Diyan Maujaan 


Language: Punjabi

Tracks are downloadable in Amrit Varsha App for Subscribers only.



Darshan Diyan Maujaan


About the Album

It is out of sheer compassion that masters share their luminous presence with one and all, showering bliss, peace and wisdom. And this can be experienced by the one who opens his heart and let the presence pervade within, for in itself it secludes none. Darshan of beloved master is such a cascade that fills the heart with overwhelming love, inspires to tread the path with devotion and elevates one to the state of pure bliss. The featured single track ‘Darshan Diyan Maujaan’ celebrates this very gracious presence of the beloved master in the most beautiful way. It opens with celebrative music ushering in the mellifluous rendition by revered master Anandmurti Gurumaa singing the bliss of being in the master’s presence - the presence that lifts the veil of ignorance and makes one experience the resplendent Self beyond the limits of body, mind, intellect, senses. Flow with this musical celebration and rejoice the master’s presence!

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