
08:45About the Album
Presenting Jindari- A heartfelt ode to the True Master, carrying an undercurrent of intense longing for Divine communion in the spellbinding voice of Param Pujya Gurudev Anandmurti Gurumaa. Vocalised in sweet Punjabi dialect, the heartwarming poetic expression aptly holds the sentiments of a disciple in love, bowing down reverentially to the paths taken by Pujya Gurudev. The fierce desire to be one with the Divine is likened to the heart-piercing cries of a lovelorn bird named - 'Koonj' that has just lost its beloved partner. Despite being tested through various trials and tribulations, an ardent seeker remains steadfast in devotion with their heart fixated in remembrance of the Supreme- in every moment of their life. Intricately woven on the tapestry of rich metaphors and vivid imagery, the track beautifully captures the essence of devotion and longing, culminating in ultimate peace and self-realisation. Listen, hum, and sing along, imploring the Lord to implant our hearts with the seeds of love so pure and devotion so intense that may our whole life be consumed in love and service of our benevolent Gurudev, lovingly hand holding us onto the path of the Highest Truth.